Why do Ecommerce Stores Need Blogs? Brands for Inspiration

Unleashing the Power of E-commerce Blogs: A Comprehensive Guide


As the owner of an e-commerce store, your primary goal is to drive targeted traffic and transform visitors into paying clients. Achieving this involves a strategic approach, with two key avenues: organic and paid marketing. In this article, we delve into the organic side, exploring the pivotal role e-commerce blogs play in acquiring leads, building trust, and converting prospects into loyal customers.

The Significance of Ecommerce Blogs

E-commerce blogs are not just a trend; they are a necessity. According to a SEMrush survey, a staggering 86% of content marketers incorporate blog posts into their strategies. This underscores the profound impact that well-crafted blogs can have on your e-commerce business, offering substantial long-term returns on investment.

Benefits of E-commerce Blogs

1. Brand Awareness

In a digital landscape saturated with over 600 million active blogs, standing out is crucial. Crafting compelling content through a well-planned content marketing strategy helps set your E-commerce business apart. Educational and engaging blog posts build trust and, when optimized with the right keywords, enhance your visibility on search engines.

2. Increased Website Traffic

HubSpot reports that websites with robust e-commerce blogs receive 434% more indexed pages than those without. SEO-optimized blogs not only attract the right visitors to your website but also significantly improve your chances of appearing in search engine results.

3. Communication and Data Gathering

E-commerce blogs generate valuable data through website analytics. This includes metrics like the number of visits, time spent on a page, and bounce rate. Reader comments provide insights into customer preferences and suggestions for product improvement. Creating a sense of community fosters direct interaction, while various content formats such as how-to guides and interactive quizzes enhance engagement.

Integrating Your Ecommerce Blog with Your Online Store

To maximize the impact of your e-commerce blog, seamless integration with your online store is essential. Here are some critical factors to consider:

1. Visibility on the Homepage

Ensure that your E-commerce blog section is easily accessible from your website’s homepage. This accessibility is pivotal as many users turn to blogs during their purchasing decision-making process. A prime example of effective integration is Stella & Chewy’s e-commerce website, featuring a prominently visible blog on its homepage.

2. Content Relevance

Your E-commerce blog content should address specific problems and solutions relevant to your target market and products. A prime example is Peach & Lily, a skincare brand whose blog focuses on educational content. Each post, such as “Retinol vs. Retinoid,” contributes to user education while seamlessly integrating a call-to-action for a first purchase discount.

3. Typography and Design

Maintain a clean and organized appearance by limiting the use of fonts to two styles—one for content and another for headings and labels. Maximize white space to enhance readability and avoid overwhelming readers. Comrad Socks serves as an excellent example, employing ample white space for a clutter-free layout.

4. Visual Appeal

Utilize appealing images to enhance the visual appeal of your ecommerce blog. High-quality, original photos play a crucial role in influencing customer decisions. Investing in your visual content, rather than relying solely on stock photography, allows customers to envision your products more effectively.

Best Practices for Creating and Promoting Your Ecommerce Blog

Creating a successful ecommerce blog involves more than just quality content. Here are some best practices to enhance visibility and engagement:

1. Include the Blog Link in the Primary Menu

Make it easy for users to find your blog by incorporating a direct link in your website’s primary menu. This practice, exemplified by Weebly’s dropdown menu featuring sections like “Weebly Blog” and “SEO Guides,” aids both users and search engines in navigating your site.

2. Social Media Promotion

Leverage the power of social media platforms to promote your ecommerce blog. Etsy, for instance, strategically utilizes Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter to share engaging content. Each post includes a compelling image or video, a link to the blog post, and a targeted call to action.

3. Forum Engagement

Identify forums or Q&A websites where your target audience actively participates. Engage in discussions, contribute valuable insights, and occasionally share relevant blog entries. Platforms like Reddit, Quora, Yahoo, and LinkedIn can serve as effective channels for building relationships and driving traffic to your blog.

4. Facilitate Sharing

Incorporate social share buttons within your articles to encourage readers to share your content. Plugins like Click to Tweet simplify the sharing process, allowing users to directly tweet quotations from your blog entries.

5. Sponsored Social Media Promotion

Consider allocating a portion of your advertising budget to sponsored social media promotion. Paid promotions offer exposure to a broader and more relevant audience, yielding faster results compared to organic visibility. This approach enhances brand recognition and facilitates remarketing.

Maintaining a Successful E-commerce Blog: Key Components

Sustaining a thriving ecommerce blog requires meticulous planning and execution. Consider the following components to ensure continued success:

1. In-House Content Writer

If opting for an in-house content writer, ensure they possess a comprehensive understanding of e-commerce blogging. Proficiency in writing SEO-optimized content, utilizing SEO tools, and measuring the impact of content marketing campaigns is essential. Your content writer should curate ideas that cater to users at various stages of the purchasing journey.

2. Outsourcing to a Managed Content Marketplace or AI

To scale your content marketing efforts, explore two effective approaches: using AI content generators or outsourcing to a managed content marketplace. AI can efficiently generate product descriptions, email templates, and social media copies. However, for long-form content requiring storytelling, outsourcing to a managed content marketplace is a viable option, ensuring high-quality, fact-checked content.

3. Content Promotion Strategy

Develop a comprehensive content promotion strategy encompassing both free and paid methods. Embrace guest posts, brand collaborations, podcasts, sponsored posts, and influencer marketing to extend your blog’s reach. Striking a balance between organic and paid promotion ensures a holistic approach to content visibility.

E-commerce Blog Ideas: Drawing Inspiration from the Best

Explore exemplary E-commerce blogs to draw inspiration for your content strategy. Let’s examine some standout examples:

1. Wix Ecommerce Blog

Wix stands out as a top ecommerce blog for non-technical business owners. Their blog covers a wide array of topics, including guidelines, best sellers, drop shipping, and online sales. The blog’s design is noteworthy, featuring a clear outline of covered topics at the beginning of each post.

2. Kelty Ecommerce Blog

Kelty, an online retailer specializing in camping equipment, exemplifies effective blog design. Their blog seamlessly integrates interactive cover images with subtle font colors, presenting information in a refined yet comprehensive manner. The blog covers various camping-related subjects, providing valuable content for their target audience.

3. Glossier’s “Into the Gloss” Blog

Glossier, a skincare and makeup brand, goes beyond product-centric content with its blog “Into the Gloss.” The blog’s UX and UI are clean and easy to navigate, offering a mix of industry insights, expert tips, and product placements. It engages customers on a deeper level by addressing topics beyond Glossier’s product range.

4. Casper Blog

Casper, a renowned eCommerce brand selling beds and mattresses, establishes authority in sleep-related matters through its engaging blog. The blog covers topics for users at different stages of the customer journey, providing insights from “how to find your chronotype” to product-centric topics like “how to choose a mattress.”

5. Hers for Women’s Health

Hers, a healthcare and self-care brand for women, exemplifies a well-executed e-commerce blog. Their blog, titled “Savoir Vivre,” covers diverse topics such as lifestyle, everyday health, and mental health. The blog’s consistent appearance with the website’s color scheme and fonts enhances brand identity.


Embarking on the journey of creating and managing a profitable e-commerce blog requires meticulous planning and execution. The combined efforts of a well-informed content writer, strategic outsourcing, and a robust content promotion strategy contribute to sustained success. Drawing inspiration from exemplary e-commerce blogs ensures your content remains relevant, engaging, and capable of driving phenomenal sales. Initiate your E-commerce blog now to witness the transformative impact of compelling content on your online store.

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